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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

#WHMS2020 | October, 16 - 17, 2020.
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

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Good Health Is Good Business


Conference & Training

Good health leads to good business!

Africa has a very long way to go in creating workplaces that support psychological well-being. “The lost productivity resulting from depression and anxiety, two of the most common mental disorders, is estimated to cost the global economy $1 trillion each year,” says Dr. Dévora Kestel, director of the World Health Organization’s department of mental health and substance abuse. How can we build healthier workplaces that support mental health in Nigeria?

Our clients tell us that PurplePatch Consults has: Decreased turnover, Decreased expensive recruitment and hiring costs, Increased employee retention, Increased solid, positive communications skills, Increased morale, and that managers are much better equipped to recognize when an employee is struggling and intervene appropriately as a result of our unique training.

Alongside our partner Wellness Works, we provide a workplace education and training program that raises awareness and reduces stigma around issues related to employee mental health, while building capacity for organizations to address issues more effectively and create psychologically healthy workplaces.

Our award-winning suite of training products have been evaluated as effective in reducing stigma, which is crucial for organizations to successfully manage mental health in the workplace. We frame workplace issues through the lens of psychological health and safety, disability rights, and human resources and business best practices.